Publication pre-print: A novel fully automated system for lifelong continuous phenotyping of mouse cognition and behaviour

July 1, 2022

Dr Marco Brancaccio and Dr Julija Krupic were awarded funding in Stage I of the Key Questions funding programme with the Project: Lost in space and (circadian) time: Investigating the role of disrupted deep brain circuitry in diminished spatial memory function in Alzheimer’s disease


Cambridge Phenotyping presents a new fully automated AI-driven home-cage system for cognitive and behavioural phenotyping in mice. The system incorporates spontaneous alternation T-maze, novel-object recognition and object-in-place recognition tests combined with monitoring of an animal position, water consumption, quiescence and locomotion patterns, all carried out continuously and simultaneously in an unsupervised fashion over long periods of time. Mice learnt the tasks rapidly without any need for water or food restrictions.

transforming pre-clinical and basic science research on cognition and behaviour

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